Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin

Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin
My Favorite Feature - Sapphire Pool

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I guess I wasn't completely rejected....

I got this today!!!!

"You have been rated qualified and referred for the position of Fire Logistics Dispatcher, GS-04, NPS-FIRE-2011-010, in Mammoth Hot Springs, WY (Yellowstone NP)."

This is so funny. I have more experience handling money, making change and greeting people than I have being a dispatcher. However, for some reason, they classified me not qualified enough to be the gatekeeper, yet, I'm being considered for the Fire Dispatcher job. Oh well, I like the radio as well!!!! I figured because I didn't have any firefighter experience, that they wouldn't even consider me.

Also, I got a letter from the Yellowstone Gas Stations that they would be reviewing applications this week!!!!!

So now, I sit back and wait for the offers to pour in......
I'm waiting to buy my snowshoes until I need them, but I'm just dying to get a pair!!!!
Chris & Lindsay got me a 0 degree sleeping bag! now I can sleep in my van in the coldest of nights, and I will be toasty warm.......(I hope...thinking about trying it out downstairs one night just to see how warm it is.....)

Meanwhile, I'm reading blogs on Yellowstone, Trip reports and anything Yellowstone news worthy. I've also found quite alot of good programs on PBS that relates to Yellowstone.