Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin

Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin
My Favorite Feature - Sapphire Pool

Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm just so excited

I leave in less than a month. Holy Mackerel, it's only 2 1/2 weeks away. I've been collecting stuff up like crazy! I got a case of hand and foot warmers from Costco. Those come highly recommended, not only for me, but for my camera's battery. Apparently battery's die when they get cold. The extra batteries are supposed to be kept tucked somewhere warm next to your body. I got a spot all picked out.......
Besides my camera that I mentioned in the last posting, I've also ordered Smartwool socks & baselayers from Sierra Trading Post - I discovered that I didn't have the right kind of baselayers (long underwear-cold weather jargon) for the kind of cold I'm going to be in. I've had a hard time getting out of the habit of buying cotton since I left Hawaii. You need synthetic or wool so that when you perspire, you don't get cold when you cool down. Aren't you glad I explained that? Well, at least I said perspire and not sweat.

Today, my spotting scope came from Cabela's. they had the best price and selection for what I was looking for. This is so I can observe the Grizzlie's claws and watch him tear into his dinner without disturbing him.......
I've also been putting together my Cross country ski gear. I've managed to do that quite cheaply between EBAY and the local thrift store.
Hey!!! I ordered my snowshoes!!!! EBAY!!!
Last weekend, the kids and I were up skiing at Mt. Hood- Timberline & Ski Bowl, and there were hoards of snowshoers. I guess it's the fastest growing sport. I'm hoping to burn some serious calories doing this, even if only in the Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces in the morning hours, if I don't have time to run out and do some glassing for wildlife. Glassing: that's incessantly looking through your binoculars for some speck of wildlife.
I got a headlamp, just in case I'm out after dark....I promise, I won't go alone in the woods.
Oh, and Chris gave me his can of Bear Spray!!! Hey!!! It has a holster, just like a real gun!! Oh boy!!! However, I think I still may go for the Magnum size, just so I'll feel really protected in case I need to use it. (I'll probably pee my pants if I ever had to ) note here: Make plenty of noise, and most likely the bears will be no where in sight. You're supppsed to have conversations or sing while in the woods, but for some reason, during these times, I have trouble coming up with the right song.........
I posted earlier about my pic of the Herons, but I still had so much to still say!!!
Hey, there are about 11 Bald Eagles a couple miles from here out in a field that Chris showed me. I may take my camera and scope out there. apparently, if you can photograph birds in flight you can get about anything. I have to up my learning curve so I can get all those fantastic shots in Yellowstone when I get there.
I can hardly wait!!!