Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin

Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin
My Favorite Feature - Sapphire Pool

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Netbook

I bought a Netbook yesterday from Best Buy, so I can keep up with the postings from Yellowstone. There is supposed to be Wireless access in Mammoth, so I can blog from my room. You may ask, why a Netbook? I know when you look at the Ram and storage compared to full size notebooks, it seems small. However, I compared it to Lindsay's current laptop and it's the same. And, it's far greater than the PC I'm using now!!! I wanted something small. I also got an external hard drive that I can load all the photos on, so they are safe on their own.

I didn't think I was going to like the keyboards on the netbooks, but they are all different. You just have to try them out. The mouse pads are also feel different. Just in case, I also got a wireless mouse.

I know, this isn't Yellowstone material, but I just wanted to let you know what I'd be using as a computer while in the park. I haven't upgraded my phone in forever, I don't have an Ipad, or a Kindle or a Droid, or any of that other high tech stuff. This is a big step for me!!!