I will take you through my journey of how I came to work in Yellowstone so I can spend more time there, observing the wildlife, watching geysers and enjoying the night sky. I hope to give you a glimpse into life at Yellowstone, through my eyes and my camera. I hope you find this as entertaining as I have found others blogs on this topic.
Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin

My Favorite Feature - Sapphire Pool
Saturday, March 26, 2011
3 Dog Day!
sorry, no pictures worth posting today........ I rolled out of bed early and was on the road by 6:15am to head out to the Lamar Valley for my full Saturday of Wildlife viewing. My first BIG surprise was when a FOX ran out in front of me!!! I have not yet seen a fox and that little guy was on the top of my list. when I first spotted it in front of me, I thought "mongoose" (???) and then "cat". I didn't expect the little buggar to be so small!!!! It looked like one of my cats! anyway, it happened all so fast, and it was dark, so I'm sorry, no pics. He ran across the road and then stopped up on the shoulder in the snow to stop and look back at me. Cute! Thi was just about 1/5 miles from Lava creek picnic area, Mammoth side. Off I went, to the Lamar Valley to find the folks from the Yellowstone Wolf Project. I had read reports of a day full of action the day before, so I was hoping to find the same. Initially, when I came upon them, then were stopped in the road, just past the Buffalo Institute. They said that the wolves were trying to cross the road. then when we were able to get through, I spotted 4 wolves running along the hillside chasing a coyote. at First Enclosure. they don't like coyotes. Ok, here's where I get to explain the title: 3 DOG DAY #1 Fox, #2 Wolf, #3 Coyote. That's a trifecta in Yellowstone wildlife hunters terminology. I finally hit it!!!!!!!!! anyway, the wolves toyed around with an Elk and then tired of that, since they didn't have their chief hunter, the alpha female with them. (Lamar pack, 06F) all but one of the pack was present, but Mom must have been out doing other business. I left them and headed back down the valley to see if any of the other packs were around. I was cold anyway and needed to run the heater in the van. I pulled in with some folks I knew and we scanned around trying to find the Blacktail Pack. they were no where to be seen. So we then headed back into the valley, where the Agate pack had been detected at Little America. We were able to pick up 6 (of 7) of them at one point. They were just lounging around. However.......they did do some howling/singing, which was incredible!!!!!! I could see them thru my scope, and all of them were just howling in true form. Oh, they were all bedded down, not in your typical wolf pose for howling. They were calling out to one of the yearling pups that had wandered off, because he was calling to them. He shortly came over the hill to join them. I went back toward the Lamar pack, but they had disappeared. they had been successful while I had been gone, but then were behind a hill and there was nothing to see. So, I headed back toward Mammoth Hot Springs and decided to go to the boiling river. What a great day! Now,I have seen 2 of the 3 animals that I've been seeking, not having seen before. OTTERS, FOX..... still MIA = Ermine...........Oh, and I've yet to see moose in YNP....just down in the Tetons. I am done with my training, and they are going to turn me loose to make peoples hotel reservations on Monday!!! Oh My!!!