Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin

Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin
My Favorite Feature - Sapphire Pool

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Leaving Oregon tomorrow 6 am! YIKES

Hey gang, the van is all packed up. I look like I'm going on some sort of outdoor sports extravaganza!! 3 kinds of skis, snowshoes, bike, backpacks, sleeping bags (yes bags - different climates), Tripods, Spotting Scope, Canon Rebel XTI camera. You'd think I'm heading to the desert for all the water I'm taking.....I'm such a clean water nut. Last time I realized I hadn't brought enough water. I'm bringing all my bottles and then I'll be able to get them refilled with reverse osmosis somewhere.....I hope.

Oh, I guess I should mention the container of "Casual Business" attire that I also packed. That's for my JOB. Oh yeah, that.

Hey, while you're waiting for news and pics of my exciting adventure, check out this link. It's to a LIVE bald eagle nest!!! You can see the eagle sleeping on the next, and hopefully, see the "eaglets" when they hatch!

It's not too late, so I feel pretty good about my departure. I'm leaving a couple hours early so in case I encounter snow on the roads to Idaho (most likely) that I won't be stressed out about getting there when my cousin Lesly gets off work. She lives in St. Maries Idaho, that's a hour S of Coeur d' Alene. the roads most of the way are good, but it's when I get close to her little town that they are calling for patches of ice.

I'll make my way along the Columbia River Gorge, which is a beautiful drive. Then I'll head N on 395 and pick up I-90. I'm going to make a stop in Post Falls at Cabela's......of course...just in case they have something else I need!!!! More Expedition weight long underwear! LOL

Ok, this part of the journey ends, and the next part is about to begin. I hope I can keep you entertained....