I will take you through my journey of how I came to work in Yellowstone so I can spend more time there, observing the wildlife, watching geysers and enjoying the night sky. I hope to give you a glimpse into life at Yellowstone, through my eyes and my camera. I hope you find this as entertaining as I have found others blogs on this topic.
Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin

My Favorite Feature - Sapphire Pool
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Church in Gardiner & The food is awful here
ok, so I'm going to talk about the good and the bad. I went to church today, for the 2nd Sunday. I found a wonderful fellowship of people and the little worship team asked me to join them today!!! It was awesome! The name of the church is Gardiner Community Church. now, on to the bad. We have what is called the EDR = employee dining room......I have tried to keep my chin up about this food issue. sometimes, I just want to cry when I look at what they are serving!!!! tonight it was fried chicken nuggets. Actually, more like popcorn chicken. so basically just a bunch of fried batter. they looked so dried up that i didn't even try to take one and scape off the outside to get to a teeny bite (maybe) of chicken. Next to that were fried potato wedges, biscuits, gravy, some sort of mixed up fare and then yellow squash. I'll take yellow squash, thank-you. I then found some tomato wedges and mushrooms that I microwaved, and I opened a can of tuna that i brought in with me. This is about typical of the food served. Then there's all the pudding, cake and pastries to go along with that. I tell ya......Mrs Obama would not approve. I am surviving on canned tuna, rubbery hard boiled eggs, smoked oysters, rice cakes and salad. Oh, I should say in their defense, that there is a bowl of apples, oranges & bananas to chose from, and I do. I just hope that I can hang in there and get up and over this food issue. It's really disheartening when it's cold outside and you're hoping for something hot to eat, and there's nothing. I have a BBQ and it may be getting put to use before long. Where's the Rice, I ask. How about a plain baked potato? how about a chicken breast, or a piece of fish. Could I have just a plain hamburger patty? could you just leave the gravy out of things? Could you not mix mushroom soup into the vegetables? ok, Lord help me to be grateful for what I have, and not be a whiner. Thankfully I brought my Kuerig and I can have quality coffee before I get there in the am. June