I just called into Xanterra and found out I will be working as a Room Attendant while in YNP.
First, Ill be at Mammoth (same as before) for 2 weeks til Oct 10, then I'll be moving south, to the Old Faithful Snow Lodge until Oct 27th. I'm looking forward to the different locations, so I can spend more time exploring different areas of the park.
As you know, I spend most of my time in the Lamar Valley wolf watching. There are packs all over the park, they just seem to be easier to view up there.
Im excited to see the Lamar Canyon 2011 pups that I saw '06 carrying in the Spring, The newly formed "642 pack" which broke off from the Blacktails to form their own pack when more than the Alpha Female 693F was bred this past spring, Hope to spot those elusive Blacktails (some of my favs) See the Agates again (hopefully not in a confrontation with the Lamar's) and possibly even see my "4 black wolves" that I saw on Easter.
when I move down to the Snow Lodge, I'll be down more into the center of the park. this will give me closer access to Grand Tetons, Hayden Valley, where the Canyon Pack is (and I really want to see that beautiful , almost white, Alpha Female and her 2011 pups). I saw this pack only once in Mammoth, AND DIDN'T SEE HER!. I'm also hoping to spot the Supersized Mollie pack (the bison hunters) and maybe even some of the not so well known packs in the rest of the park.
I'm really looking forward to seeing more geysers this time, since the whole south part of the park was closed when I was there in the spring. So, look for more Hot springs and Geyser shots if I can capture them and do them justice.
Don't worry, I won't be hiking alone, or at least, if I do, it would be on a paved geyser trail that is well traveled and out in the open. I WiLL have a large can of bear spray in my hand, ready to use!!!! My eyes and ears will be wide open, and my head will be on a gimble.
Any "camping" I do will be in my hard shelled van.
I hope for better computer access to post more of my adventures. This will be a shorter trip, but should be of a totally different variety. Also, I'm hoping to catch the Elk Rut. Supposed to be quite the show!!!
til then,
I will take you through my journey of how I came to work in Yellowstone so I can spend more time there, observing the wildlife, watching geysers and enjoying the night sky. I hope to give you a glimpse into life at Yellowstone, through my eyes and my camera. I hope you find this as entertaining as I have found others blogs on this topic.
Sapphire Pool - Biscuit Basin

My Favorite Feature - Sapphire Pool
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I'm back!! sorry for the absence ;-(
ok, ok, I slacked off big time. There were several reasons my posts ended. Our computers went down in the dorm, and loading pictures on my little notebook that I could barely see the pics on wasn't very satisfying, so I stopped posting. Second, I got so into the wildlife watching in every spare moment, that I just didn't stop to do much of anything else. The job was quite consuming, working in reservations, on a computer all day......well, you get it.
I left Yellowstone May 18th and headed back to Oregon. As some of you know, my one and only daughter, Lindsay had a wedding planned for August 27th. I was starting to feel very left out of all the planning and knew that my heart belonged there, with her in Oregon. So, I left out of Yellowstone early, a month shy of my contract period.
also, I have to say, that I got very spoiled during the spring, when there were few people in the park and NO motor homes. As soon as some of the other entrances opened up, people started arriving in droves. it was a bit unnerving, and having to fight for a parking space when the animals were out was no fun.
We got through the wedding, and I think I'm finally recovered from that major life event. What a joy to see my daughter so happy, and to be a part of a dream wedding that she put together.
I've got some great shots to post of the amazing things that I saw in the last month I was in the park. But the BIG NEWS IS..........I'M GOING BACK!!!!!
Yep, I got re-hired, and I'm only commiting to a month this time, to help close up the park for the winter. I'm really looking forward to spending some fall time there.
So, I'm back into Yellowstone mode, and will hopefully catch you up on things before I leave for the park. Like I said, I've got some amasing pictures.(wolves, moose, fox) Well, amazing to me. What I saw was amazing, (wolves) perhaps my skills aren't amazing, but what I saw was.......
until then,
I left Yellowstone May 18th and headed back to Oregon. As some of you know, my one and only daughter, Lindsay had a wedding planned for August 27th. I was starting to feel very left out of all the planning and knew that my heart belonged there, with her in Oregon. So, I left out of Yellowstone early, a month shy of my contract period.
also, I have to say, that I got very spoiled during the spring, when there were few people in the park and NO motor homes. As soon as some of the other entrances opened up, people started arriving in droves. it was a bit unnerving, and having to fight for a parking space when the animals were out was no fun.
We got through the wedding, and I think I'm finally recovered from that major life event. What a joy to see my daughter so happy, and to be a part of a dream wedding that she put together.
I've got some great shots to post of the amazing things that I saw in the last month I was in the park. But the BIG NEWS IS..........I'M GOING BACK!!!!!
Yep, I got re-hired, and I'm only commiting to a month this time, to help close up the park for the winter. I'm really looking forward to spending some fall time there.
So, I'm back into Yellowstone mode, and will hopefully catch you up on things before I leave for the park. Like I said, I've got some amasing pictures.(wolves, moose, fox) Well, amazing to me. What I saw was amazing, (wolves) perhaps my skills aren't amazing, but what I saw was.......
until then,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
sandhill cranes, moose, canyons & blacktails

so much has happened, I lose track of time. I've been out wolf watchting quite alot. I finally got to see the Blacktail wolfpack, out by Blacktail Lakes, and then I saw 4 of the Canyon Pack on Sunday, right here in Mammoth.
The road opened up to Old Faithful and I took my roomate down there on Monday That's where the pic of the Sandhill Cranes is from. What a noise they can make!!!
this afternoon, I caught up with this adorable young moose. not too far from the road, at the confluence.
moose sandhill cranes
Saturday, April 9, 2011
'Oh give me a home......."
Where the Buffalo roam, and the Deer and the Antelope play............. Yes, that's right, there they are.....all 3!!! What a sight. A while later as I was on the phone, I saw all in one view, a herd of Bison, herd of Elk, and a herd of antelope, all grzing on the hillside above Gardiner, MT. How this must have looked when man first landed here and decided to start shooting everything in site, just because he could. what beauty surrounds me!!!
Gardiner MT
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Church in Gardiner & The food is awful here
ok, so I'm going to talk about the good and the bad. I went to church today, for the 2nd Sunday. I found a wonderful fellowship of people and the little worship team asked me to join them today!!! It was awesome! The name of the church is Gardiner Community Church. now, on to the bad. We have what is called the EDR = employee dining room......I have tried to keep my chin up about this food issue. sometimes, I just want to cry when I look at what they are serving!!!! tonight it was fried chicken nuggets. Actually, more like popcorn chicken. so basically just a bunch of fried batter. they looked so dried up that i didn't even try to take one and scape off the outside to get to a teeny bite (maybe) of chicken. Next to that were fried potato wedges, biscuits, gravy, some sort of mixed up fare and then yellow squash. I'll take yellow squash, thank-you. I then found some tomato wedges and mushrooms that I microwaved, and I opened a can of tuna that i brought in with me. This is about typical of the food served. Then there's all the pudding, cake and pastries to go along with that. I tell ya......Mrs Obama would not approve. I am surviving on canned tuna, rubbery hard boiled eggs, smoked oysters, rice cakes and salad. Oh, I should say in their defense, that there is a bowl of apples, oranges & bananas to chose from, and I do. I just hope that I can hang in there and get up and over this food issue. It's really disheartening when it's cold outside and you're hoping for something hot to eat, and there's nothing. I have a BBQ and it may be getting put to use before long. Where's the Rice, I ask. How about a plain baked potato? how about a chicken breast, or a piece of fish. Could I have just a plain hamburger patty? could you just leave the gravy out of things? Could you not mix mushroom soup into the vegetables? ok, Lord help me to be grateful for what I have, and not be a whiner. Thankfully I brought my Kuerig and I can have quality coffee before I get there in the am. June
Saturday, March 26, 2011
3 Dog Day!
sorry, no pictures worth posting today........ I rolled out of bed early and was on the road by 6:15am to head out to the Lamar Valley for my full Saturday of Wildlife viewing. My first BIG surprise was when a FOX ran out in front of me!!! I have not yet seen a fox and that little guy was on the top of my list. when I first spotted it in front of me, I thought "mongoose" (???) and then "cat". I didn't expect the little buggar to be so small!!!! It looked like one of my cats! anyway, it happened all so fast, and it was dark, so I'm sorry, no pics. He ran across the road and then stopped up on the shoulder in the snow to stop and look back at me. Cute! Thi was just about 1/5 miles from Lava creek picnic area, Mammoth side. Off I went, to the Lamar Valley to find the folks from the Yellowstone Wolf Project. I had read reports of a day full of action the day before, so I was hoping to find the same. Initially, when I came upon them, then were stopped in the road, just past the Buffalo Institute. They said that the wolves were trying to cross the road. then when we were able to get through, I spotted 4 wolves running along the hillside chasing a coyote. at First Enclosure. they don't like coyotes. Ok, here's where I get to explain the title: 3 DOG DAY #1 Fox, #2 Wolf, #3 Coyote. That's a trifecta in Yellowstone wildlife hunters terminology. I finally hit it!!!!!!!!! anyway, the wolves toyed around with an Elk and then tired of that, since they didn't have their chief hunter, the alpha female with them. (Lamar pack, 06F) all but one of the pack was present, but Mom must have been out doing other business. I left them and headed back down the valley to see if any of the other packs were around. I was cold anyway and needed to run the heater in the van. I pulled in with some folks I knew and we scanned around trying to find the Blacktail Pack. they were no where to be seen. So we then headed back into the valley, where the Agate pack had been detected at Little America. We were able to pick up 6 (of 7) of them at one point. They were just lounging around. However.......they did do some howling/singing, which was incredible!!!!!! I could see them thru my scope, and all of them were just howling in true form. Oh, they were all bedded down, not in your typical wolf pose for howling. They were calling out to one of the yearling pups that had wandered off, because he was calling to them. He shortly came over the hill to join them. I went back toward the Lamar pack, but they had disappeared. they had been successful while I had been gone, but then were behind a hill and there was nothing to see. So, I headed back toward Mammoth Hot Springs and decided to go to the boiling river. What a great day! Now,I have seen 2 of the 3 animals that I've been seeking, not having seen before. OTTERS, FOX..... still MIA = Ermine...........Oh, and I've yet to see moose in YNP....just down in the Tetons. I am done with my training, and they are going to turn me loose to make peoples hotel reservations on Monday!!! Oh My!!!
Boiling River
where the hot water runs in a channel toward the river
Yes, I said boiling!!!! What a great way to end my "hell week" of training. I went last night and then again this afternoon. After a good soak, you don't have a care in the world. today, it was pretty crowded, since it was a Saturday, but there still was plenty of room.
This is one of 2 places in all of Yellowstone that you can go in the water.
I just love Hot Springs!!!!!
The trial in, is about 1/2 mile long. The walk in is cold, but the walk back, once you are well toasted up from your soak is surreal. Add into that, Bison on the trail and the scent of sage surrounding you, and you truly feel like you are in the heart of the West.
on to today's wildlife adventure.
Boiling River,
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Puppy Dog Eyes
Hitching Post Coyote
The coyotes here look very healthy. not at all like the California Coyotes or the desert coyotes.
many are fooled thinking they are wolves.......
An overcast day, not a great pic, but wanted to show a representation of one.
Work Day 1 - check in to my dorm room
March 15, 2011
First off, I have to say, the Xanterra building, where they house Human Resources looks like a prison. PLEASE be aware, that this is NOT where I will be working!!!!
The check in process wasn't so bad. they just want to make sure you've got all your paperwork filled out, and take your mug shot. then we left for Mammoth to begin the check in process in the dorms. I got my own room, so far, until my roomie comes in in 10 days. I was able to get one of the rooms in the Aspen dorm, that has private baths shared by 2 rooms. HOWEVER, my friends Becca (never Becky) and Lindsay (yes spelled must like my girl) have this enormous room at Spruce. Like TWICE the size of my room. And they have more furniture!!!!!
I'm glad my roommate isn't here yet. It's giving me a chance to settle in, unpack and reorganize. My van is in total disarray, and I am having trouble finding some things.
I got my bed all comfy with a foam mattress topper, my little down throw, blankets and sheets from home. bedding is provided if you need it. It was recommended to bring your own. Other creature comforts from home include the Kuerig coffee maker (yum), bath mat, hangers, netbook and DVD player. no phone, no pool, no pets and no tv!!
One thing I'm enjoying about not having phone service is, I don't have to worry about it ringing when I'm in the bathroom, or in the shower. I mean NO PHONE SERVICE. My T-mobile phone doesn't work here in Mammoth, but all others seem to. so I just go down the road a ways near Gardiner and I get a signal.
I'm on the upper level, which is fine with me, since I live upstairs at home and it will keep me in shape. also, I don't have to listen to clomping feet about me. I like that.......
We had a short orientation meeting and then they let us go. They showed us around the office, and the work area is really nice. I'll be working in Reservations. For those of you who have EVER worked in a hotel, I will be booking rooms in 10 locations, some of which have cabins and rooms. It's a HUGE system. And surprisingly enough, the cabins are VERY affordable.
here's something quaint. Rooms only sleep 4 people. But you are welcome to bring bedding for a 5&6 person!!!!! in fact, it's encouraged!!!
Here's another "quaint" feature of the Yellowstone rooms. some of them have to use communal bathrooms!!!! That's the way they were built back in "the day", and remain to this day. Especially the ones at Old Faithful, where EVERYONE wants to stay. but there are many nice properties throughout the park, and since it's so big, it's nice to be able to sty in different areas.
the option of the cabins is a great way to enjoy the park!
I headed out to the Lamar again this afternoon for another fix.
more to follow
I'm glad my roommate isn't here yet. It's giving me a chance to settle in, unpack and reorganize. My van is in total disarray, and I am having trouble finding some things.
I got my bed all comfy with a foam mattress topper, my little down throw, blankets and sheets from home. bedding is provided if you need it. It was recommended to bring your own. Other creature comforts from home include the Kuerig coffee maker (yum), bath mat, hangers, netbook and DVD player. no phone, no pool, no pets and no tv!!
One thing I'm enjoying about not having phone service is, I don't have to worry about it ringing when I'm in the bathroom, or in the shower. I mean NO PHONE SERVICE. My T-mobile phone doesn't work here in Mammoth, but all others seem to. so I just go down the road a ways near Gardiner and I get a signal.
I'm on the upper level, which is fine with me, since I live upstairs at home and it will keep me in shape. also, I don't have to listen to clomping feet about me. I like that.......
We had a short orientation meeting and then they let us go. They showed us around the office, and the work area is really nice. I'll be working in Reservations. For those of you who have EVER worked in a hotel, I will be booking rooms in 10 locations, some of which have cabins and rooms. It's a HUGE system. And surprisingly enough, the cabins are VERY affordable.
here's something quaint. Rooms only sleep 4 people. But you are welcome to bring bedding for a 5&6 person!!!!! in fact, it's encouraged!!!
Here's another "quaint" feature of the Yellowstone rooms. some of them have to use communal bathrooms!!!! That's the way they were built back in "the day", and remain to this day. Especially the ones at Old Faithful, where EVERYONE wants to stay. but there are many nice properties throughout the park, and since it's so big, it's nice to be able to sty in different areas.
the option of the cabins is a great way to enjoy the park!
I headed out to the Lamar again this afternoon for another fix.
more to follow
March 14th - Oh My! The 1st bear sighted in Yellowstone
As you have already read, I was in the first group to spot the earliest bear on Monday.
what a thrill!!! what a beautiful bear. What a bunch of crappy pictures I got!!!!!! Dang!
forgive me, I'm still learning to use the camera. I hadn't figured in the snow in the foreground that the camera was going to auto focus on. Oh well. You get "the picture".
That morning started out with finding the Wuffies group at the Slough Creek campground turnout. they were watching the Lamar wolfpack on the hillside SE of the turnout, across the highway. the wolves quickly made their way over the hill so the gang packed up and headed down the valley. Such is the way of the Wolf Followers.
Let me give a little overview of this process:
Someone spots something and pulls over. Others see this, and pull over as well. In the case of the Wolf Watchers, we have athe benefit sometimes of spotting the Wolf Project people who have antenna with which to track to radio collared wolves. that's how they know where to look.
Folks pull in and start setting up spotting scopes, cameras and use their binoculars to "glass" the area to find the animals.
We then set up on in another turnout to watch the Lamar's up on the hillside on the east end of Jasper Bench. Another watcher spotted the Agate Pack on the south end of the bench. they were just lounging out in the gravel, sunning themselves. the Lamar pups (4) born last spring, were playing "king of the Mountain" on a large boulder, and romping in the snow. It seemed like just a family outing. they bedded down shortly and that's when a very nice man nmaed Doug, from Silver Gate Cabins, said, "have you seen the bear on the bison carcass, and do you want to go?" Uh HECK YEAH! LEAD THE WAY!!!
he also showed up were there were otters, MY FIRST SIGHTING, and there was a nice bald eagle overlooking the whole thing.
Of course you got the bear story. that's few posts down, so I won't repeat my excitement.
another night at the Super 8 and tomorrow I start work. (darn) pics to follow
The fun begins! I'm HERE Finally!!!!
typical bison jam. they own the road....
Sunday - March 13, 2011
Of course, I headed straight out to the Lamar Valley. I poked along, keeping my eye out for all those darned Foxes (the little animal variety) that everyone reports and I didn't see a darned one.
My first pull-out found me with Rick McIntyre and Laurie Lyman. (Rick sort of head up the wolf project as far as keeping count on a daily basis visually, as does Laurie, and she posts on the Yellowstonereports.com) They were scanning the area after Blacktail, before Tower, where you can see Hellroaring to the west in the distance (don't know the name of that area, will insert later). They said it had been slow day for wolves. She was very friendly and shared lots of knowledge about the wolf packs that I asked about. I have been keeping my own running list of the packs, numbers, colors and numbers to refer to so I don't sound completely ignorant when talking to the Wuffies. (I guess I one of those now) that is the term used by some on the Forums to describe those of us who are wolf fanatics. I'm actually a nut for all the animals but the wolves are kinda the celebrities in the park. I gotta give equal time to the Grizzly Bears who aren't out year round.......and then the Bison, who are equally as popular, if not plentiful. then there are the elk, the coyotes, otters, eagles, ermine, beaver, Pronghorn antelope, badger, cougar and so on.........
I got passed the buffalo institute and spotted some different looking "ducks", so I decided to get a [icture. they took off, but hunted them down and finally got a pretty good picture. these are called Common Goldeneyes
That day didn't produce any unusual viewings, but I got a nice shot of 3 Bighorn Sheep on the hillside just NW of "the hitching post" (last bathroom break turnout about 2/3 of the way into the valley) I call that shot "Tres Hombres".
I got lots of elk shots, saw whitetail deer on the way in, loads of Bison and then 2 coyotes down near the river. It was just plain good to be back in the Lamar Valley, even though it was almost completely white everywhere.
I was really surprised how nice the roads were. I expected to be driving on packed snow the whole time. the roads are the worst between Mammoth and tower, and then they clear up in the Lamar. I think it's because of the altitude and also there's more tree cover to keep the snow from melting.
I stayed at the Super 8 for 2 nights. Reports were that they had the best WiFi and I didn't want to miss my computer time. I bought that little netbook just for that reason.
I have found that I don't type very fast on it, so thank goodness there are computers for the employees to use.
Be patient, I'm still trying to figure out this upload on the pics feature. for some reason it won't let me insert right where I want them......
the journey
where do I start? I seem to have already gotten ahead of myself......
I left Oregon on March 7th, bound for my cousin Lesly's in St. Maries Idaho. I had almost great weather the whole way....I made a stop at Cabela's for those last minute cold weather things..... in Post Falls, ID and then down to St. Maries. that's where I hit some snow. and then it snowed just about all the time I was at Lesly's. I found the snow enchanting. Had a couple days there and then went on to Kalispell MT to visit Holly & friends there and see Glacier Nat'l Park. mostly, again, it was cloudy/snowy so I finally made it up there on Friday afternoon. I didn't see much. In fact, I didn't see a Glacier....wasn't that the point of it all????
I left Oregon on March 7th, bound for my cousin Lesly's in St. Maries Idaho. I had almost great weather the whole way....I made a stop at Cabela's for those last minute cold weather things..... in Post Falls, ID and then down to St. Maries. that's where I hit some snow. and then it snowed just about all the time I was at Lesly's. I found the snow enchanting. Had a couple days there and then went on to Kalispell MT to visit Holly & friends there and see Glacier Nat'l Park. mostly, again, it was cloudy/snowy so I finally made it up there on Friday afternoon. I didn't see much. In fact, I didn't see a Glacier....wasn't that the point of it all????
Saturday morning I was up and gone early, and made my way to Helena, MT to visit my friend Robie. I saw many frozen lakes and 2 trumpeter swans that were tagged.
Robie hosted me at her home and took me to several thrift stores to find a pair of ice skates. She also took me to the St Helena Cathedral. A beautiful church, filled with stained glass windows.
I left there headed for Yellowstone, Sunday Morning, March 13th. got down to I-90 through Bozeman to Livingston, and headed south from there to the park.
the van ran great the whole way. No problems. the old gal (the van not me, but I can hold my own) handled well.
on to Yellowstone
Glacier Nat'l Park,
St Maries,
Monday, March 14, 2011
BEAR MONDAY-first of the season!!
Sorry, this is out of order, yes, I'm already in Yellowstone and have yet to write about that adventure but I wanted to get this posted for all my friends at YNET. Im having trouble posting pics there for some reason. New camera........
anyway, spotted a Grizzly bear feeding on a bison carcass. Now before all you bison lovers get in a uproar, this was most likely one that died due to starvation. alot of that is going on in the park
We saw him at Round Prairie. that's between Soda Butte and Pebble Creek.
all the folks at Mammoth and the Yellowstone Assoc said it was the first sighting
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Leaving Oregon tomorrow 6 am! YIKES
Hey gang, the van is all packed up. I look like I'm going on some sort of outdoor sports extravaganza!! 3 kinds of skis, snowshoes, bike, backpacks, sleeping bags (yes bags - different climates), Tripods, Spotting Scope, Canon Rebel XTI camera. You'd think I'm heading to the desert for all the water I'm taking.....I'm such a clean water nut. Last time I realized I hadn't brought enough water. I'm bringing all my bottles and then I'll be able to get them refilled with reverse osmosis somewhere.....I hope.
Oh, I guess I should mention the container of "Casual Business" attire that I also packed. That's for my JOB. Oh yeah, that.
Hey, while you're waiting for news and pics of my exciting adventure, check out this link. It's to a LIVE bald eagle nest!!! You can see the eagle sleeping on the next, and hopefully, see the "eaglets" when they hatch! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/decorah-eagles
It's not too late, so I feel pretty good about my departure. I'm leaving a couple hours early so in case I encounter snow on the roads to Idaho (most likely) that I won't be stressed out about getting there when my cousin Lesly gets off work. She lives in St. Maries Idaho, that's a hour S of Coeur d' Alene. the roads most of the way are good, but it's when I get close to her little town that they are calling for patches of ice.
I'll make my way along the Columbia River Gorge, which is a beautiful drive. Then I'll head N on 395 and pick up I-90. I'm going to make a stop in Post Falls at Cabela's......of course...just in case they have something else I need!!!! More Expedition weight long underwear! LOL
Ok, this part of the journey ends, and the next part is about to begin. I hope I can keep you entertained....
Oh, I guess I should mention the container of "Casual Business" attire that I also packed. That's for my JOB. Oh yeah, that.
Hey, while you're waiting for news and pics of my exciting adventure, check out this link. It's to a LIVE bald eagle nest!!! You can see the eagle sleeping on the next, and hopefully, see the "eaglets" when they hatch! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/decorah-eagles
It's not too late, so I feel pretty good about my departure. I'm leaving a couple hours early so in case I encounter snow on the roads to Idaho (most likely) that I won't be stressed out about getting there when my cousin Lesly gets off work. She lives in St. Maries Idaho, that's a hour S of Coeur d' Alene. the roads most of the way are good, but it's when I get close to her little town that they are calling for patches of ice.
I'll make my way along the Columbia River Gorge, which is a beautiful drive. Then I'll head N on 395 and pick up I-90. I'm going to make a stop in Post Falls at Cabela's......of course...just in case they have something else I need!!!! More Expedition weight long underwear! LOL
Ok, this part of the journey ends, and the next part is about to begin. I hope I can keep you entertained....
Columbia River Gorge,
St. Maries
Thursday, March 3, 2011
less than a week
Yes, I leave Oregon in less than a week to weave my way to Yellowstone. First I'm going to stop and see my cuz Lesly in ST Maries, ID. Then on to Montana to visit friends and then into Yellowstone a couple days early to acclimate to the altitude (7000+ ft) I have found in the past that I have a bit of a headache upon arriving. I chalked this up to driving like heck to get there, but upon close thought, I think it's the altitude. I got the same headache when I climbed Mauna Loa. When I got to 14,000 ft to camp at the summit, I was in a wired state the whole night, and couldn't sleep, even though I was exhausted. yep, altitude.
so, I'm going to get in a couple days early, so I will be in good shape when I check in on the 15th to report for work.....
My snowshoes arrived 2 days ago!!! I sure hope I get to use them for all the trouble it took me to research and buy them on EBAY. I hear that the snow is insane in Yellowstone right now. The grazing animals are really suffering. Which on the other hand has been good for the carnivores. The poor bison have tried to leave the park to get to lower elevations and they just get hazed back toward the park. Here's another interesting piece. They tried to relocate some bison out of the park. They drove them out, then tested them for brucellosis. the ones that tested negative, they drove out to another area, leaving half the heard behind. Well, Bison are family oriented. they didn't like that one bit. once they got to where the cowboys wanted them, they just turned around and went back. they even crossed a river to do it!!! It's been a crazy winter in Yellowstone, dealing with the bison.
I only hope I have warm enough socks and long underwear...........
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Netbook
I bought a Netbook yesterday from Best Buy, so I can keep up with the postings from Yellowstone. There is supposed to be Wireless access in Mammoth, so I can blog from my room. You may ask, why a Netbook? I know when you look at the Ram and storage compared to full size notebooks, it seems small. However, I compared it to Lindsay's current laptop and it's the same. And, it's far greater than the PC I'm using now!!! I wanted something small. I also got an external hard drive that I can load all the photos on, so they are safe on their own.
I didn't think I was going to like the keyboards on the netbooks, but they are all different. You just have to try them out. The mouse pads are also feel different. Just in case, I also got a wireless mouse.
I know, this isn't Yellowstone material, but I just wanted to let you know what I'd be using as a computer while in the park. I haven't upgraded my phone in forever, I don't have an Ipad, or a Kindle or a Droid, or any of that other high tech stuff. This is a big step for me!!!
I didn't think I was going to like the keyboards on the netbooks, but they are all different. You just have to try them out. The mouse pads are also feel different. Just in case, I also got a wireless mouse.
I know, this isn't Yellowstone material, but I just wanted to let you know what I'd be using as a computer while in the park. I haven't upgraded my phone in forever, I don't have an Ipad, or a Kindle or a Droid, or any of that other high tech stuff. This is a big step for me!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'm just so excited
I leave in less than a month. Holy Mackerel, it's only 2 1/2 weeks away. I've been collecting stuff up like crazy! I got a case of hand and foot warmers from Costco. Those come highly recommended, not only for me, but for my camera's battery. Apparently battery's die when they get cold. The extra batteries are supposed to be kept tucked somewhere warm next to your body. I got a spot all picked out.......
Besides my camera that I mentioned in the last posting, I've also ordered Smartwool socks & baselayers from Sierra Trading Post -http://www.sierratradingpost.com/. I discovered that I didn't have the right kind of baselayers (long underwear-cold weather jargon) for the kind of cold I'm going to be in. I've had a hard time getting out of the habit of buying cotton since I left Hawaii. You need synthetic or wool so that when you perspire, you don't get cold when you cool down. Aren't you glad I explained that? Well, at least I said perspire and not sweat.
Today, my spotting scope came from Cabela's. http://www.cabelas.com/ they had the best price and selection for what I was looking for. This is so I can observe the Grizzlie's claws and watch him tear into his dinner without disturbing him.......
I've also been putting together my Cross country ski gear. I've managed to do that quite cheaply between EBAY and the local thrift store.
Hey!!! I ordered my snowshoes!!!! EBAY!!!
Last weekend, the kids and I were up skiing at Mt. Hood- Timberline & Ski Bowl, and there were hoards of snowshoers. I guess it's the fastest growing sport. I'm hoping to burn some serious calories doing this, even if only in the Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces in the morning hours, if I don't have time to run out and do some glassing for wildlife. Glassing: that's incessantly looking through your binoculars for some speck of wildlife.
I got a headlamp, just in case I'm out after dark....I promise, I won't go alone in the woods.
Oh, and Chris gave me his can of Bear Spray!!! Hey!!! It has a holster, just like a real gun!! Oh boy!!! However, I think I still may go for the Magnum size, just so I'll feel really protected in case I need to use it. (I'll probably pee my pants if I ever had to ) note here: Make plenty of noise, and most likely the bears will be no where in sight. You're supppsed to have conversations or sing while in the woods, but for some reason, during these times, I have trouble coming up with the right song.........
I posted earlier about my pic of the Herons, but I still had so much to still say!!!
Hey, there are about 11 Bald Eagles a couple miles from here out in a field that Chris showed me. I may take my camera and scope out there. apparently, if you can photograph birds in flight you can get about anything. I have to up my learning curve so I can get all those fantastic shots in Yellowstone when I get there.
I can hardly wait!!!
Besides my camera that I mentioned in the last posting, I've also ordered Smartwool socks & baselayers from Sierra Trading Post -http://www.sierratradingpost.com/. I discovered that I didn't have the right kind of baselayers (long underwear-cold weather jargon) for the kind of cold I'm going to be in. I've had a hard time getting out of the habit of buying cotton since I left Hawaii. You need synthetic or wool so that when you perspire, you don't get cold when you cool down. Aren't you glad I explained that? Well, at least I said perspire and not sweat.
Today, my spotting scope came from Cabela's. http://www.cabelas.com/ they had the best price and selection for what I was looking for. This is so I can observe the Grizzlie's claws and watch him tear into his dinner without disturbing him.......
I've also been putting together my Cross country ski gear. I've managed to do that quite cheaply between EBAY and the local thrift store.
Hey!!! I ordered my snowshoes!!!! EBAY!!!
Last weekend, the kids and I were up skiing at Mt. Hood- Timberline & Ski Bowl, and there were hoards of snowshoers. I guess it's the fastest growing sport. I'm hoping to burn some serious calories doing this, even if only in the Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces in the morning hours, if I don't have time to run out and do some glassing for wildlife. Glassing: that's incessantly looking through your binoculars for some speck of wildlife.
I got a headlamp, just in case I'm out after dark....I promise, I won't go alone in the woods.
Oh, and Chris gave me his can of Bear Spray!!! Hey!!! It has a holster, just like a real gun!! Oh boy!!! However, I think I still may go for the Magnum size, just so I'll feel really protected in case I need to use it. (I'll probably pee my pants if I ever had to ) note here: Make plenty of noise, and most likely the bears will be no where in sight. You're supppsed to have conversations or sing while in the woods, but for some reason, during these times, I have trouble coming up with the right song.........
I posted earlier about my pic of the Herons, but I still had so much to still say!!!
Hey, there are about 11 Bald Eagles a couple miles from here out in a field that Chris showed me. I may take my camera and scope out there. apparently, if you can photograph birds in flight you can get about anything. I have to up my learning curve so I can get all those fantastic shots in Yellowstone when I get there.
I can hardly wait!!!
A Passion has begun
Some of you may know, that I am heading to Yellowstone to work and "do research" from March-June for 3 months. I have become a student of the Yellowstone.net forums, trying to learn all I can to be prepared. After taking a survey of all the photographers that responded to inquiries about cameras, I selected a Canon 400 Xti. I bought it as a package, and I got a 28-105mm & 75-300 mm lenses with it. I was influenced by price as well as usability.
I headed out to my nearest duck pond, here in Albany, Oregon - to hopefully shoot some Canada Geese that usually frequent there for practice. As I pulled up, I noticed only 2 pairs on the water, but the surprise was to follow.
A Great Blue Heron lifted out a tree that is in the middle of the pond, circled the area and then landed back in the tree. I was so excited that I might get his picture!!!!
As I was focusing in on him, and trying to get a shot, all at once, 5, yes count em FIVE of the buggars took off out of the tree. I settled in to wait for them to return. They came back, one at a time, but only 2 of them settled back into the tree. I noticed quite a large nest in the tree, and concluded that they are nesting there. The light was fading and since it was my first attempt with the camera, I was anxious to get home and see what I'd gotten with my new camera and my inexperience. Sadly, I had used auto focus, on the sport setting and my pics were blurry.
Yesterday, I headed over there again, and this time, NOW THERE ARE 6!!! I got 4 of them in perfect profile, near the nest,with 2 more hiding down below them in the tree. I used the P setting and took off the auto focus. I shot this with the highest ISO I could -1600 (since I see that's what some used in the pics I've liked.....) f 7.1 and I used the 75-300mm lens
(ok, so maybe I didn't set that up right in type, but you get the idea, if you want to pass on some tips...)
here's the photo, only minimally cropped. I'm not happy with how small they look, it looks better on my computer!!! hey if you double click on the image, it enlarges it and you can see it really good!!!
I headed out to my nearest duck pond, here in Albany, Oregon - to hopefully shoot some Canada Geese that usually frequent there for practice. As I pulled up, I noticed only 2 pairs on the water, but the surprise was to follow.
A Great Blue Heron lifted out a tree that is in the middle of the pond, circled the area and then landed back in the tree. I was so excited that I might get his picture!!!!
As I was focusing in on him, and trying to get a shot, all at once, 5, yes count em FIVE of the buggars took off out of the tree. I settled in to wait for them to return. They came back, one at a time, but only 2 of them settled back into the tree. I noticed quite a large nest in the tree, and concluded that they are nesting there. The light was fading and since it was my first attempt with the camera, I was anxious to get home and see what I'd gotten with my new camera and my inexperience. Sadly, I had used auto focus, on the sport setting and my pics were blurry.
Yesterday, I headed over there again, and this time, NOW THERE ARE 6!!! I got 4 of them in perfect profile, near the nest,with 2 more hiding down below them in the tree. I used the P setting and took off the auto focus. I shot this with the highest ISO I could -1600 (since I see that's what some used in the pics I've liked.....) f 7.1 and I used the 75-300mm lens
(ok, so maybe I didn't set that up right in type, but you get the idea, if you want to pass on some tips...)
here's the photo, only minimally cropped. I'm not happy with how small they look, it looks better on my computer!!! hey if you double click on the image, it enlarges it and you can see it really good!!!
Look closely, you can see the 4 clearly, the nest, and then 2 more herons hiding in the branches below.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I've been hired!!!!! Yippee Skippy!!!
It's finally time to let the cat out of the bag. Lindsay decided to move up her wedding date to August 27th, 2011. So, I knew when I was offered a position, it was going to hinge on my availability for the summer. I wanted to be back a month before the wedding, so I was looking at the end of July as my exit date.
I was offered 2 different positions, from 2 different companies.
First, Xanterra http://www.yellowstonejobs.com/offered me Reservations Sales Agent, stationed in Mammoth Hot Springs. I found out that if I stayed in the dorm, I could start sooner, than if I was planning on staying in an RV. I said I wanted to come right away!!!! The job contract that we set was from March 15th - June 15th, for 90 days.
I could stay on until my planned date of leaving, fulfill my contract and receive the $3 a day bonus upon completion. (if you don't fufill your contract, you are not eligible for re-hire - ever.....) This job is all phone work. I would be taking phone reservations for the hotels. Eventually it would work into Campground reservations and hopefully, booking activities.
If there's work available past that date, then I will stay longer.
The next job I was offered was with Yellowstone General Stores. http://www.visityellowstonepark.com/employment.aspx First off, they were going to put me at Roosevelt (yes!!) as a retail associate. However, the contract period didn't fit in with my time frame. I couldn't start there until the end of May (oh my-May?). Then, they offered me Set-up Crew, which is just a 6 week position, beginning April 18th (a month later than the other job). This job sounded super! I would live in West Yellowstone in an apartment, be on my own for food, drive all over the park daily to areas that aren't open to the public yet, and set up all the General Stores. Canyon, Old Faithful, Grant Village, Lake, Roosevelt, Norris (?) I loved the idea of being able to be out and about, hopefully spotting some wildlife while on my way to and from.
That job would end June 3rd. Just 6 weeks. If there was another position available, I could move into that, but of course, no promises were made. They need to know who's coming when, and leaving when. Of course, I get that.
I really struggled over which position to take. I liked getting there earlier, and being in Mammoth for 3 mos, being able to observe Winter in Yellowstone, and stay through June 15.
However, the Set-up crew job is more my style, a lot of moving around, doing different things, and doing retail display, which I am good at.
I decided on the Mammoth Job with Xanterra. I can be there by March 15th, snowshoe, (freeze my butt off) cross-country ski (?) (more cold), take photos (and freeze) Hear the wolves howl & watch their pairing off - hopefully, (watch my breath freeze) and be in the park before the crowds arrive. I hope I get to see some of the first bears as they emerge from hibernation.
I'm so excited!!!!!
Looking at the long term.....here's my plan. I will work in Yellowstone for 3 months. At the end of my contract, hopefully, they will need me in another position or the same one. I will take whatever they have, unless I am too homesick and ready for my own bed again. Otherwise, my plan is to return to Oregon by the end of July, so I have a month to help Lindsay with the last of the wedding preparations.
Then, if there's anything available, I would head back to Yellowstone for the fall, after the wedding. Either way, I will be in Yellowstone the last part of September/early October, on my way to Montana for my yearly trip there. I will be applying for some other things around the park. Maybe I will get some inside scoop on what it takes to get one of those NPS jobs!!!
I'd really like to spend every season there, but it doesn't have to be all in one long run!!
So, along with my crazy desire to spend some extended time in Yellowstone, and work in the process, my One and Only daughter is getting married at the same time. Life Happens!!!!!!
Enjoy the ride!
I was offered 2 different positions, from 2 different companies.
First, Xanterra http://www.yellowstonejobs.com/offered me Reservations Sales Agent, stationed in Mammoth Hot Springs. I found out that if I stayed in the dorm, I could start sooner, than if I was planning on staying in an RV. I said I wanted to come right away!!!! The job contract that we set was from March 15th - June 15th, for 90 days.
I could stay on until my planned date of leaving, fulfill my contract and receive the $3 a day bonus upon completion. (if you don't fufill your contract, you are not eligible for re-hire - ever.....) This job is all phone work. I would be taking phone reservations for the hotels. Eventually it would work into Campground reservations and hopefully, booking activities.
If there's work available past that date, then I will stay longer.
The next job I was offered was with Yellowstone General Stores. http://www.visityellowstonepark.com/employment.aspx First off, they were going to put me at Roosevelt (yes!!) as a retail associate. However, the contract period didn't fit in with my time frame. I couldn't start there until the end of May (oh my-May?). Then, they offered me Set-up Crew, which is just a 6 week position, beginning April 18th (a month later than the other job). This job sounded super! I would live in West Yellowstone in an apartment, be on my own for food, drive all over the park daily to areas that aren't open to the public yet, and set up all the General Stores. Canyon, Old Faithful, Grant Village, Lake, Roosevelt, Norris (?) I loved the idea of being able to be out and about, hopefully spotting some wildlife while on my way to and from.
That job would end June 3rd. Just 6 weeks. If there was another position available, I could move into that, but of course, no promises were made. They need to know who's coming when, and leaving when. Of course, I get that.
I really struggled over which position to take. I liked getting there earlier, and being in Mammoth for 3 mos, being able to observe Winter in Yellowstone, and stay through June 15.
However, the Set-up crew job is more my style, a lot of moving around, doing different things, and doing retail display, which I am good at.
I decided on the Mammoth Job with Xanterra. I can be there by March 15th, snowshoe, (freeze my butt off) cross-country ski (?) (more cold), take photos (and freeze) Hear the wolves howl & watch their pairing off - hopefully, (watch my breath freeze) and be in the park before the crowds arrive. I hope I get to see some of the first bears as they emerge from hibernation.
I'm so excited!!!!!
Looking at the long term.....here's my plan. I will work in Yellowstone for 3 months. At the end of my contract, hopefully, they will need me in another position or the same one. I will take whatever they have, unless I am too homesick and ready for my own bed again. Otherwise, my plan is to return to Oregon by the end of July, so I have a month to help Lindsay with the last of the wedding preparations.
Then, if there's anything available, I would head back to Yellowstone for the fall, after the wedding. Either way, I will be in Yellowstone the last part of September/early October, on my way to Montana for my yearly trip there. I will be applying for some other things around the park. Maybe I will get some inside scoop on what it takes to get one of those NPS jobs!!!
I'd really like to spend every season there, but it doesn't have to be all in one long run!!
So, along with my crazy desire to spend some extended time in Yellowstone, and work in the process, my One and Only daughter is getting married at the same time. Life Happens!!!!!!
Enjoy the ride!
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